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Ahmad Kashmar

Computer and Telecommunications Engineering Student at the Lebanese University
Junior Developer at the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies


Bachelor’s in Computer and Communications Engineering

Lebanese University

2020 - Present
Achieved a good understanding of Programming Concepts, Competitive Programming, OOP, Microcontrollers, Web Development, Mathematics, and Physics

High distinction throughout all semesters


Junior Software Engineer

Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies

November 2023 - Present
Created various solutions utilizing AI and machine learning
Gained hands-on experience in developing and maintaining software


Programming Languages

C, C++, C#, Java,
Python, SQL, Assembly,
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript


Office, AutoCAD, Visual
Studio, Multisim, Proteus,
TinkerCAD, MATLAB, Packet Tracer


Project management, collaboration,
leadership, conflict resolution


English (fluent), Arabic (native),
French (Intermediate)


Public speaking, customer service, adaptability


Creativity, organization

Extracurricular Activities

IEEE president at local faculty branch
First place in the Lebanese Collegiate Programming Contest 2023
Participated in IEEExtreme 17.0 finishing first locally, eightieth globally
Undergoing ACM Competitive Programming Training
Always learning and experimenting with new libraries, languages, and frameworks